Our Mission
Empowering adolescents to build resilience and cope with challenges is our mission. Our app provides a supportive and safe space for young individuals to access resources, tools, and guidance to navigate through difficult times.

Technovation Global Seminfinalists
Progress Tracking
Users can log their daily moods and potential urges to self harm. Users is being evident to them through a "days free from self harm" feature.

Daily Journaling
Users may use the in-app guided journal in order to reflect on their day. These journal entries can be looked back upon to see progress in their mental health journey.

Relaxing Activities
Meditation and stress-relieving games are available on the app. These can distract users and help in improving their mood.

Positive Affirmations
With an affirmations page and pledge feature, users can reinforce positive ideals, helping them navigate through difficult times.


Live Support
Users have access to 24/7 live support through the suicide help line. An AI therapist chat bot will also be available by Nov 2024.

An Inside Look
Uncover the benefits of our app, including personalized resources, progress tracking, community support, and more, all tailored to promote mental well-being among adolescents.